  • Gas Burner High Flame
  • Gas Burner High Flame
  • Gas Burner High Flame

4.4kW Firepower
Fjammi b'erba 'ċrieki minn ġewwa
Erba 'settijiet ta' skanalaturi ta 'arjazzjoni ta' l-ossiġnu, jagħmlu t-tisjir biżżejjed
Protezzjoni ta 'falliment tal-fjamma

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Negozjanti Awtorizzati ROBAM

3 sets of oxygen supply systems for efficient combustion ①Four-gradient flame path design, strong flame for extreme cooking Four-ring flame from the inside out present gradient design and form staged flame path. Breaking through hollow combustion of common burner, it realizes strong combustion and extreme cooking. ②Four sets of oxygen aeration grooves, comprehensive combustion for diversified cooking Specially set four sets of oxygen aeration grooves, 20 precisely embedded fire holes, comprehensive combustion to improve heat flow, tasty gentle-fire simmering. ③Four sectors of oxygen supply, sufficient oxygen supply for quick cooking Four sectors of oxygen supply designed at the stove base, 360° sufficient oxygen supply, gas and energy conservation, full combustion, enjoy uninterrupted cooking time. Concentrated extreme heat, four pressurizing holes of varied areas for easy control 2)Concentrated extreme heat, four pressurizing holes of varied areas for easy control Four pressurizing holes of varied areas ensure uniform air inlet and supply, effectively prevent uneven heating, and make cooking easier. 3) 4.4KW high power, four pressurizing channels, extreme heat for cooking Four-channel distributor, optimized gas supply channel, all-round flame combustion makes 4.2KW high power and easy cooking.
①Waterproof decorative plate, simple cleaning makes comfortable kitchen Innovative downward-bending design to collect waste fluid and facilitate cleaning; protect burner and improve service life. ②0-second ignition delay, instant ignition to enjoy delicacy Touch and go, ignite and no waiting. ③Reset burner cap pin, considerate design for quality kitchen Special locating pin design, easy installation after cleaning, convenient reset. ④Round aluminum alloy, fine detail to enjoy kitchen time Inspired by ancient Chinese wisdom orbicular sky and rectangular earth, stable fire control. ⑤Automatic flameout protection, effectively safeguard reliable kitchen Timely cut off gas source during accidental flameout to prevent gas leakage and to ensure safety

Parametru Tekniku

Daqs tal-Prodott (WxDxH) 760x450x135 (mm)
Daqs tal-Qtugħ (WxD) 650x350 (mm)
Wiċċ Ħġieġ ittemprat
Wok Burner 4.4kW
Tip ta' Gass Gass Naturali / LPG


Ibgħat it-Talba Tiegħek

Suġġeriment Relatat


State Of Art Technology Tiggwida Tiegħek permezz tat-tisjir Joyful Stil ta 'ħajja tat-tisjir rivoluzzjonarju ewlieni
Ikkuntattjana Issa
016-299 2236
It-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa: 8am sal-5:30pm Is-Sibt, il-Ħadd: Magħluq
