  • Combi Steam Oven CQ751
  • Combi Steam Oven CQ751
  • Combi Steam Oven CQ751
  • Combi Steam Oven CQ751
  • Combi Steam Oven CQ751
  • Combi Steam Oven CQ751

Hezeagoa erretzean, samurragoa lurrunetan
150 ℃ tenperatura altuko lurruna
Sukaldaritza-etapa anitzeko konfigurazioa
Aurrez ezarritako errezetak
16 moduak


Eskuragarri orain hemen:

ROBAM Baimendutako Saltzaileak

Roasting with steam mode,can adjustable food humidity.Feel eligible to add certain amount of steam in the roasting mode, so that the humidity and taste of food can be regulated to cater to different needs of family members for flavors 4 steaming modes,different temperature for different ingredients. ①High temperature steaming mode at 150℃②Nutrition steaming mode at 100℃③Tender steaming mode at 95℃④Low-temperature fermentation Multi-stage combination mode It has a multi-stage combination of steaming and baking, including steaming before roasting and roasting before steaming. All you need is just one click of the button to automatically complete the steaming and roasting instructions. 5 practical auxiliary functions ①Defrosting  40-80°C②Sterilization with high temperature steam③Automatic spraying steam④One-button-click to remove stains with nothing to worry about⑤Heated-air drying and internal cavity moisture

Parametro teknikoa

Neurriak (LxHxD) 595×455×520 (mm)
Instalazio osoa (WxHxD) 600x460x565 (mm)
Erdi instalazioa (LxHxD) 560×450×550 (mm)
Potentzia Balorazioa 2400w
Edukiera Edukiera
Pisu garbia 37,3 kg


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Jarri gurekin harremanetan

Artearen Teknologia Sukaldaritza alaiaren bidez gidatzen duen sukaldaritza bizimodu iraultzailea
Jarri gurekin harremanetan orain
016-299 2236
Astelehenetik ostiralera: 8:00etatik 17:30era Larunbata, igandea: Itxita

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